Ceci est une version archivée de socialmediaplatforms à 2024-01-05 17:33:15
Facebook Relationship Do’s and Don’ts
5 Ways to Beat Your First Date Jitters
The Do’s and Don’ts of First Date Conversation
The 5 Traits of a Healthy Relationship
Are You Ready for a Relationship?
Are Romantic Comedies Healthy?
Having The Talk: How to Define your Relationship
Could You Be Breaking Your Own Heart?

If you think orgies, threesomes, etc are a modern development of sexual liberation, NO WAY! Many ancient cultures embraced these sexual practices. It was the Jews and Christians who were the square ones because God forbid sex outside marriage. If you think “saving yourself” is old-fashioned, think again – it was counter-cultural in ancient times. Today many people say that people are born homosexuals — Not in Ancient Greece! Socrates, Plato and other ancient philosophers observed that the highest form of love was between two men because they were intellectual equals. All men in ancient Greece were expected to have wives but also engage in homosexual acts – that was their norm! So the Jews and Christians were seen as very counter-cultural and NOT normal.

Bottom-line: I am saving myself for marriage because I trust God’s guidelines for life. By the way, He also tells men to save themselves for marriage as well– especially in the New Testament! The reason why male promiscuity is not equally as condemned by society is because of patriarchal bias, NOT because of what God says.

93Sai October 25, 2012 at 5:37 pm
I wonder what they’d do if one of those guys was to sue for taking advantage of him while he was intoxicated.

“This hamster run on the power of the Tesseract.”
Best comment yet~

94Susan Walsh October 25, 2012 at 5:37 pm
she was always hanging around the basketball team. I don’t know if she ever got “passed around”

Now I’m picturing players passing the woman around the court.

95Susan Walsh October 25, 2012 at 5:42 pm

I think Harden looks like some kind of necromancer.

LOL, you are right! He looks like a young Snape!
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